Meet Our Team. We're
Committed to Your Success
How we help +
We work hard to win your legal cases in employment, personal injury and workplace sexual assault in Toronto.
Looking for a team of lawyers and paralegals you can trust with your employment, disability and personal injury claims?
Our legal team’s top priority is your success. This is why we take an empathy-based approach to making sure we fully understand your complete situation. Socially and financially, we want to be able to help you get the best outcome possible for your disability claim, personal injury or motor vehicle accident settlement, employment dispute or sexual assault case.
At Kevin Marshall Law Office, we truly take a customer-first approach to helping our clients win their legal disputes. This is why after we help them win their settlements and compensation, our clients generally form long term relationships with us.
Over 24 years of legal experience
The best part is that our empathy and care for your situation is combined with over 24 years of successful experience in the legal field. We’ve been successfully helping clients get large settlements and compensation packages in their employment claims, personal injury claims and sexual assault cases for over 2 decades and here’s what we have learned:
When you take an empathetic approach, it automatically improves your results. Think about it: if we put ourselves in your shoes, we are much more likely to get you the maximum results you deserve, because we feel your pain every step of the way. It’s in our best interest to win your legal battle decisively.
We take on a large diversity of clients in the Greater Toronto Area.
We also don’t discriminate. We’ve helped clients from all backgrounds and all parts of the world. Your ethnicity, skin colour, financial status, employment history or criminal record are not important to us. Regardless of your situation, we always take the time to learn more about you, and make sure we do everything in our power to help you get the settlement you deserve.
You can probably see this just by the amount of community work our legal team engages in. We really care about helping people. This is why our clients are so comfortable dealing with us after the first couple of calls.
We help with all types of cases
You’ll also notice that we can help you win legal battles in a vast amount of situations. Whether you have been wrongfully terminated from work or laid off and want to pursue a constructive dismissal. Whether you’ve suffered an injury or been in a car accident. Whether you’ve been experiencing sexual assault or harassment at work. Our highly experienced and empathetic team can help you with all of these situations. We’ll make sure you get the termination package, disability settlement, personal injury settlement, or sexual assault compensation you deserve.

Kevin Marshall
Kevin was born and raised in a working class family, having learned the value of honest work well into his legal studies. He obtained his B.A. (Hons.) from York University, his M.Div. from Tyndale Seminary, Toronto, and his LL.B. from the University of Windsor, and he has been practicing law for over 2 decades. Kevin spent over 18 years volunteering with his favourite charity, the Community Share Food Bank, in Don Mills, and continuously served on the Board of Directors since its inception in 2004. When he isn't working on your case, you can find him tending to his vegetable garden or reading classic books by George Orwell, Jane Austen or Fydor Dostoevsky, and most recently, Gabriel García Márquez. A life-long lover of sports, he also coaches and plays softball, and he plays volleyball when the weather turns cool.

Lynda Chantson
Lynda has served as a Law Clerk with us since 2007. Born in South Africa, she speaks fluent Afrikaans and loves learning phrases in other languages. She obtained her B.A.(Hons.) from the University of Toronto and served in post-secondary education administration for almost a decade. Before joining our firm, she worked for a family law and civil litigation lawyer. Lynda has volunteered at numerous arts and community organizations, the most recent being her local TCDSB elementary school Parent Council and her church women's fellowship. She loves spending time with her family, organizing events, travelling, exploring science centres and botanical gardens, and sampling the many different cuisines available in the Greater Toronto Area.